Sisters Accept New Mission in Peru

The Sisters in Peru have been invited to accept a new corporate mission. The mission is located in Ayacucho, and more specifically, in the Victor Fajardo Province, in the village of Huancapi. Ayacucho is a department of Peru, located in the south-central Andes of the country. Its capital is Ayacucho. The region was one of the hardest hit by terrorism [...]

By |2020-02-13T05:49:30-06:00February 25, 2020|*CDP Rhode Island*, What's New|Comments Off on Sisters Accept New Mission in Peru

The Argentinian Adventure

Being the human face of Providence means reaching out to others and leaving the comfort of our bubble. In the case of the missionary sisters, it also meant leaving their country, their language and their customs. We invited Sister Marcelle Deschênes (Antonine) to come talk to us about her missionary years in Argentina. She comes from Quebec, Canada, and now [...]

By |2018-09-23T09:26:05-05:00January 22, 2018|*SP Montreal*, Be Inspired|Comments Off on The Argentinian Adventure

Paying Providence Forward

Several years ago, a request came from the Leader-ship Conference of Women Religious for communities to help Sisters from developing countries to obtain higher education. The Congregation of Divine Providence (CDP) is blessed to be in a position to contribute to this effort by hosting Sisters from Vietnam, Tanzania, and Uganda. The CDP has also hosted Sisters from around the [...]

By |2018-09-23T09:25:41-05:00January 22, 2018|*CDP Texas*, Be Inspired, Providence|Comments Off on Paying Providence Forward
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